Residues and contaminants

Since 1990 we are active in analysis of pesticide residues. Via screening and single methods (LC-MS/MC and GC-MS/MS) about 740 substances are detectable.
Pesticides are not only used for crop growing but also for storage of food. Active compounds or their metabolites reach the human body through the food chain and drinking water. Because of the world-wide trading with food, the examination of the compliance with the tolerance regulations does not only require high specialized analysis but also the knowledge about the components used. If one considers that world-wide more than 1400 different pesticides are known, one will understand, that only years of experience in this field can offer the necessary security for your products.
To be on the current state of knowledge, we do not only track new developments very intensively in the field of analysis and the registration of new components. We also use our international contacts, which offer the access to application lists of different countries. Thus we are able to extend our analytical spectrum constantly.
Beside the important screening methods S19 and QuEChERS we offer the following group- and single methods:
Chlorate (via O18 isotopic analysis standard), Perchlorate, Ethephon, HEPA, Glyphosate, AMPA, Glufosinate, MPPA, N-Acetyl-Glufosinate, Phosphonic acid, N-acetyl-AMPA, Fosetyl-Al, Maleic hydrazide (QuPPe), Dithiocarbamates, Organotin-pesticides, Phenoxcarboxylic acids, Daminozide (Alar), Chlormequat (CCC), Paraquat, Ethylenoxide, Amitraz, Ethyleneurea (ETU), Propyleneurea (PTU), Inorganic total bromide.
Naturally we can also detect all heavy metal residues in food with the required sensitivity. Of all heavy metals only a few are essential for the metabolism of plants and animals, others have a certain toxic potential and therefore underlie strict regulations. Arsenic, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury are considered as such elements.
Contaminations with these heavy metals are regularly a result of industrial emissions and thus the site of agricultural crop land is crucial. Other sources of contamination are processing and storage. Ion-exchange, fining agents, tanks, pipelines and paints can lead to elevated concentrations.
Furthermore there are a lot of other contaminants which unintentionally get in touch with foods and preliminary products. Of great importance are anthropogenic pollutants which contaminate food by emission of industry and traffic, combustion of fossil fuels or through the contact with packaging materials and processing aids. Some of the analysis methods are: aromatical hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylene), polycyclic aromatical hydrocarbons (for example Benzo(a)pyren), solvent residues (hexane, ethylmethylketone and others), halogenic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, mineral oil carbohydrates, softening agents (plasticizers) and Dioxins.
Downloads: list of detectable substances
list of all detecable pesticides/substances
find here the entire list with respective LOQ’s, application and CAS Registry Number, including single methods
total overview.pdf (498.51KB)
basic pesticide screening
detectable substances/LOQ’s (ASU L 00.00-115, QuEChERS)
basic pesticide screening.pdf (269.16KB)
pesticide screening A&B
detectable substances/LOQ’s (S19 and QuEChERS via GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS)
pesticide screening A&B.pdf (388.67KB)
pesticide screening A&B for citrus peel oil
detectable substances/LOQ’s (S19 and QuEChERS via GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS)
pesticide screening A&B for citrus peel oil.pdf (374.55KB)
baby food pesticide screening
detectable substances/LOQ’s (according Commission Directive 96/5/EC incl. §14,annex 22+23 Diät-VO)
pesticide baby food.pdf (389.57KB)