Expert opinions / food law

All analyses performed include a detailed attestation with ragards to food law.

If needed, we intensively check the labelling of packed goods, corresponding to the regulations of food labelling. Since legislation is frequently ambiguous an interpretation based on recitals and commentations is inevitable.

Also our team includes certified food chemists who are licensed for the analysis of cross-checks. They are authorized to open official counter sample packages and if there are any claims, they also compile an according report.

Furthermore Mr. Hofsommer is publicly certified expert for soft drinks and fruit juices entitled by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Berlin. Our services include arbitration opinions, professional consulting, securing evidence and legal help as far as in the competence (§5 RDG). Of course we have liability insurance also for financial losses.

Download: öbvs-Urkunde

Download: Aktuelle Fruchtsaft-VO (Stand: Juni 2015)